Ways the government implemented the Beveridge report in WW2

Cards (5)

  • How the government tried to implement the Beveridge report during the war

    • Introduced the National Milk Scheme to improve children's health
    • Passed the Butler Education Act in 1944 to create a new structure for education
    • Passed the Unemployment White Paper in 1944 which committed the government to full employment after the war
    • Introduced rationing which had a positive influence on people's health
    • Provided free medical treatment to those injured in the blitz
  • Example question
    • Explain the reasons why the Labour Government felt it necessary to develop a welfare state after 1945. (6)
  • Beveridge report 1942 showed the true nature of poverty (should develop and explain)
  • It was very popular among the people of Britain as it proposed a system of provisions 'from the cradle to the grave'
  • People expected the elected post war government to deal with these problems