
Cards (11)

  • Family Allowance Act 1945
    Child benefit
  • Positives of Family Allowance Act 1945
    • Gave 5 shillings a week for the second and all subsequent children
    • Money was paid to the mother at the post office. This was the first time women had their own money and were able to spend it on necessary things for the children
  • National Insurance Act 1946
    Created a compulsory contributory scheme for every worker in order to provide a wide range of benefits
  • Positive of National Insurance Act 1946
    • The scheme covered sickness and unemployment benefit, old age pensions for women 60 and men 65, widows and orphans pensions and maternity and death grants (cradle to grave benefits for all)
  • Negative of National Insurance Act 1946
    • Benefits were restricted to those citizens who had made 156 weekly contributions
    • A large number of officials were needed to operate the scheme
  • National Assistance Act 1948
    Provided benefits for those not covered by the National Insurance Act
  • Positive of National Assistance Act 1948
    • Worked as a safety net to provide benefits to people who were not covered by the National Insurance Act - the unemployed, the elderly or those who had not paid enough contributions into the National Insurance scheme
  • Negative of National Assistance Act 1948
    • It was means tested which resulted in many of the elderly not applying for it as there was a stigma attached to it
  • Industrial Injuries Act 1946
    A contributory scheme which provided people who had been injured at work with benefits
  • Positives of Industrial Injuries Act 1946
    • Provided money not only for the worker who had been injured (45 shillings) but for the mother (16 shillings) and for the first child (7 shillings). This could last up to 6 months
    • If the injury lasted longer than 6 months the person was entitles to a pension
  • Negatives of Industrial Injuries Act 1946
    • Compensation was paid by the Government not employers - this meant that the Government footed the bill for injuries at work
    • Ignorance