Reforms passed by labour to tackle squalor

Cards (14)

  • Government introduced measures to improve the health of children
    1. National Milk Scheme gave all mothers who earned under £2 per week free milk
    2. Later extended to free provisions of vitamins, cod liver oil and inoculations
  • Butler education act was passed in 1944
    1. Created a new structure for education
    2. All children had to remain in education until they were 15 years old
  • Unemployment white paper was passed in 1944
    Committed the government to full employment after the war
  • Rationing was introduced during the war

    Allowed people who could previously not afford a variety of food, the chance to improve their diet
  • Free medical treatment was provided to those injured in the blitz
    Further improved people's health
  • Family allowances were introduced during the war

    Provided 5 shillings a week for the second and all subsequent children to the mother
  • Example question
    • Describe the reforms passed by Labour in order to tackle squalor. (4)
  • New Towns Act 1946
    Created towns such as East Kilbride and Glenrothes
  • Town and County Planning Act 1947
    1. Gave councils more planning powers in order for them to buy land to redevelop
    2. This led to more houses being built
  • Everyone received their fair share during the war and people wanted this to continue
  • People expected the government to do more for them since they had worked hard during the war
  • The war was the first time when all classes mixed, especially in the air raid shelters. This led to socialising between them and people were much more aware of the issues different classes had
  • 4 million homes were destroyed by the Luftwaffe in the Blitz leaving many families without a home
  • There was a greater recognition of poverty due to evacuation and this brought more support for change