Benefits the NHS brought people

Cards (2)

  • Example question
    • Describe the benefits that the NHS brought to people. (4)
  • Benefits of the NHS
    • Free health care for all at the point of service
    • Free hospital treatment
    • Ambulance services were set up to cope with emergencies
    • Maternity care and child welfare services led to big improvements in children's health
    • NHS vaccinations wiped out many childhood killer diseases, eg TB, Polio, and Diphtheria
    • New hospitals with modern facilities and specialist services were built or planned
    • Specialist services such as eyes, dentistry were all initially provided for free. In the first year five million pairs of spectacles were dispensed and eight million dental patients were treated. However, charges were introduced in 1950
    • Prescriptions were initially provided free but charges were introduced in 1950