Why the labour government made a welfare state

Cards (14)

  • Beveridge report 1942
    Showed the true nature of poverty
  • The Beveridge report was very popular among the people of Britain as it proposed a system of provisions from the cradle to the grave
  • People expected the elected post war government to deal with the problems identified in the Beveridge report
  • Everyone received their fair share during the war and people wanted this to continue
  • People expected the government to do more for them since they had worked hard during the war
  • Women took up male dominated jobs and men risked their lives on the frontline during the war
  • People wanted a higher standard of living due to their sacrifices in the war
  • The war was the first time when all classes mixed, especially in the air raid shelters
  • This led to socialising between them and people were much more aware of the issues different classes had
  • Many felt that they did not want a return to the class system in Britain
  • 4 million homes were destroyed by the Luftwaffe in the Blitz leaving many families without a home
  • The destruction of homes made it necessary to tackle the problem of housing, especially slum housing
  • There was a greater recognition of poverty due to evacuation and this brought more support for change
  • Children from the cities were sent to the countryside and this alerted the middle classes to the poor physical condition of city children