EC signal binds to receptor - mitogen
Activation of Ras - Monomeric GTPase
Activation of MAPK pathway
Phosphorylation of c-myc (activation)
Increase transcription/activation of Cyclin D, Ubiquitin ligase component, E2F
Accumulation of Cyclin D activated G1-cdk
G1-cdk increases transcription of cyclins E and A
Rb binds to E2F
G1-cdk phosphorylates Rb
P-Rb released
E2F stimulates transcription of cyclins E and A - G1/S-cdk and S-cdk
S-cdk held inactive by p27 interaction
G1/S-cdk phosphorylates p27
p27 targeted for ubiquitin degradation
S-cdk is active - S phase begins