By understanding the conditionsnecessary for microbialgrowth, we can determine how to control the growth of microbes that cause diseases and food spoilage
If osmoticpressure is verylow as in hypotonicenvironments (e.g. distilled water), cellularwatertends to enter the cellratherthanleaveit,causingmicrobes with a weakcellwall to burst (cytolysis)
Organisms use nitrogenprimarily to form the aminogroup of the aminoacids of proteins and obtain it through decomposition of proteins,acquisition of ammoniumions, and nitrogenfixation
Oxygen is actually toxic in its toxicfreeradicalform, but this is an essentialcomponent of phagocytosis, one of the body'smostimportantdefensesagainstpathogens
Essential organic compounds that an organism is unable to synthesize and must directlyobtain from the environment,includingvitamins, essentialaminoacids, and purine and pyrimidines