Permanent Stains

Cards (11)

  • What is the purpose of the permanent stained smear procedure in the O&P examination?
    = To confirm the presence of protozoa cysts and/or trophozoites
  • Why is the permanent stained smear considered crucial in the O&P examination?
    = It confirms the presence of protozoa with stained intracellular organelles
  • Which stage of protozoa may not be detected in the concentrated wet mount preparation?
    = Trophozoites
  • Why is the permanent stained smear not the method of choice for identifying helminth eggs or larvae?
    = Helminth eggs stain too dark and appear distorted.
  • Which preservation method allows for the creation of a permanent stained smear using PVA or SAF?
    = Formalin fixation
  • Which stain is the most widely used permanent stain in routine O&P testing?
    =  Trichrome (Wheatley modification)
  • What staining characteristics does the trichrome stain offer in the permanent stained smear?
    =  Distinct color differences among parasitic structures and background material
  • Which stain provides excellent morphology of intestinal protozoa with clear and sharp nuclear detail?
    =  Iron hematoxylin
  • What are specialized stains used for in the O&P examination?
    = To specifically detect certain groups of parasites
  • Which specialized stain is used for detecting Cryptosporidium, Isospora, and Cyclospora oocysts?
    = Modified acid-fast stain
  • Which stain is recommended for detecting acid-fast parasites in addition to other protozoa in SAF-preserved fecal samples?
    = Modified iron hematoxylin stain