Cards (10)

  • Stool screening methods are alternative tests to the traditional O&P examination and utilize commercial kits that contain:
    = Monoclonal antibodies
  • Stool screening methods are designed to be faster and less labor-intensive than the O&P examination and provide results:
    = More quickly
  • Which of the following is NOT a type of stool screening method?
    = Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Stool screening methods can detect specific intestinal protozoa such as:
    = Entamoeba histolytica
  • Commercial kits for stool screening can test for single parasite antigens as well as kits that can test for:
    = Multiple pathogens
  • Stool screening methods are highly:
    = Sensitive and specific
  • Stool screening methods are typically used when there is a suspicion of a specific pathogen based on the:
    = Patient's history and symptoms
  • Complete O&P examinations would still be necessary if:
    = Other parasites are suspected to be causing the symptoms
  • Some stool screening kits may require fresh or frozen stool specimens and cannot be performed on:
    = Preserved specimens
  • The choice of testing method for detecting parasites depends on:
    = The clinical suspicion and specific pathogens being considered