The sampling technique used was opportunity sampling - researcher selected people who were ready and willing to take part in the experiment
Pet scans were used - this is a brain imaging technique that takes 10 horizontal slices of your brain and produces 3d images, this demonstrates the activity in the brain and the structure. this is objective
The injection
each participant was given a flurodeoxyglucose injection which is a tracer
taken to be metabolised by the brain to you can see the activity in the pet scan
Continuous performance task (cpt)
aimed to activate target areas of the brain so the investigators could see how different areas function
participants were given the chance to practice the task before the injection so the learning would not be the main focus in the scan
30 seconds before the Fdg Injection, the participants started the cpt so the Novelty of it would not be labelled by the fdg
32 minuets after the injection the participants had a pet scan
10 minuets the participants were given a chance to learn the cpt