Issues and debates

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Cards (84)

  • Cultural psychology is an emerging field that strives to avoid ethnocentric assumptions by taking an emic approach and conducting research from inside a culture, often alongside local researchers using culturally based techniques
  • Cultural relativism 

    The idea that a behaviour can only be properly understood/only has meaning/only makes sense in the context of the norms and values of the society or culture in which it occurs
  • biological approach, all aspects of psychological functioning can be explained in terms of physical factors within the body
  • According to the behaviourist approach, we should restrict ourselves to studying behaviours that can be observed and measured scientifically
    We should not concern ourselves with studying mental processes 
  • AO3 holism vs reductionism
    + Holims - valid X oversimiply
    • holism - diffucilicut to deicde what is more important facot e,g cbt
    + Reductionsim - more scientific, test, and operationalise
    • oversimiply ignore other factors
  • what is a causal explanation
    it s based on the idea that behviour is determined by external or internal factors and there is a cause and effect relationship between these factors
  • Universality is the belief that conclusions drawn from psychological research can be applied to anyone 
  • Beta bias
    Theories that ignore or minimise sex differences. These theories often assume that the findings from studies using males can apply equally to females
  • Biological determinism
    The idea that all human behaviour is innate and determined by genes
  • Biological reductionism
    The way that biological psychologists try to reduce behaviour to a physical level and explain it in terms of neurons, neurotransmitters, hormones, brain structure, etc.
  • Science is heavily deterministic in its search for causal explanations as it seeks to discover whether X causes Y, or whether the independent variable causes changes in the dependent variable
  • Cultural relativism
    Insists that behaviour can only be properly understood if the cultural context is taken into consideration
  • Culture bias
    The tendency to judge people in terms of one's own cultural assumptions
  • Behaviourists assume that all behaviour can be reduced to the simple building blocks of S-R (stimulus-response) associations and that complex behaviours are a series of S-R chains
  • Ethical implications
    The impact or consequences that psychological research has on the rights of other people in a wider context, not just the participants taking part in the research
  • Ethnocentrism
    Seeing the world only from one's own cultural perspective, and believing that this one perspective is both normal and correct
  • Free will
    The idea that we can play an active role and have a choice in how we behave. The assumption is that individuals are free to choose their behaviour and are self-determined
  • Gender bias
    The differential treatment and/or representation of males and females, based on stereotypes and not on real differences
  • Hard determinism
    The view that forces outside of our control (e.g. biology or past experience) shape our behaviour. Hard determinism is seen as incompatible with free will
  • Heredity
    The process by which traits are passed down genetically from one generation to the next
  • Holism
    The idea that human behaviour should be viewed as a whole integrated experience, and not as separate parts
  • Idiographic
    Psychologists who take an idiographic approach focus on the individual and emphasise the unique personal experience of human nature
  • Interactionist approach

    Several levels of explanation are necessary to explain a particular behaviour, ranging from lower (biological) to higher levels (social and cultural)
  • Reductionist approach

    Behaviour can be explained at different levels (e.g. social and cultural, psychological or biological)
  • Nature versus nurture debate
    Relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development and behaviour
  • Nomothetic
    Psychologists concerned with establishing general laws, based on the study of large groups of people, and the use of statistical (quantitative) techniques to analyse data
  • Psychic determinism
    Human behaviour is the result of childhood experiences and innate drives (id, ego and superego), as in Freud's model of psychological development
  • Reductionism
    Belief that human behaviour can be explained by breaking it down into simpler component parts
  • Social sensitivity
    Studies where there are potential social consequences for the participants or the group of people represented by the research
  • Soft determinism
    Behaviour is constrained by the environment or biological makeup, but only to a certain extent