Cards (6)

  • Group 1 metals are known as Alkali metals. This means they all share similar chemical properties and have 1 electron in the outermost shell of each atom.
  • What are the physical properties of Alkali metals?
    They are soft and have relatively low melting points.
  • What happens when alkali metals react with water?
    They produce hydrogen gas and form alkaline solutions. As you go down the group, the reaction becomes more violent - helping you predict the reactions.
  • Give an example formula of an alkali metal reacting with water:
    2Na + 2H2O --> 2NaOH + H2.
  • Why do alkali metals become more reactive as you go down the group?
    As you go down the group, the outermost electron becomes further away from the nucleus. This means it is less attracted to the nucleus and less energy is needed to remove it from the atom.
  • In terms of electron configurations, when an alkali metal reacts, it loses one electron and becomes a 1+ charged electron.