fish farming

Cards (6)

  • open system = outdoors - free movement of water and waste in large bodies of water
  • closed system = indoor tanks - managed to maintain optimum temperature, O2 levels and pH for fish growth
  • maintenance of water quality:
    • water needs enough O2 and clean for good growth
    • build up of faecal or food waste = bacterial growth - disease, r3educe oxygen levels, eutrophication
  • control of predation:
    • fish protected from birds and mammals by netted cages and nets
    • keep fish in smaller numbers and separate by age = stop intraspecific predation
  • control of disease:
    • close together so easy for disease transfer
    • treat with antibiotics - not too much or become immune
    • only in closed systems
  • selective breeding:
    • create fish eggs with desired characteristics
    • when hatched and grown, pick fittest fish to breed