scientific method

Cards (16)

  • science is about establishing truths and objectivity
  • scientific research is objective and independant of beliefs and opinions
  • should use empirical methods based on data
  • science answers questions and tests hypothesis
  • scientific prcess - ask question - suggest an answer - make a hypothesis - carry out a test
  • peer review - used to ensure the integrity of published scientific work
  • peer review helps keep scientists honest and validate concerns
  • popper - all theories should be falsifable - proven wrong
  • science uses paradigms - set of beliefs - one truth
  • kuhn - if it wants to be a science it needs one paradigm - psychology does not have that
  • psychological research can impact the economy - research into sleep helpign with shift work
  • 5 steps of scientific process - aim - hypothesis - method - results - conclusion
  • operationalisation - defining how to measure variables
  • features of a science - hypothesis testing - empirical evidence - falsifiability - replicability - control - objectivity - theory construction
  • is it a science - yes - allport has the same aims - yes behaviourism, cog and bio are scientific
  • is it a science no - other approaches are unscientific - no hard to be representiative - no due to effect of other variables