types of LTM

Cards (4)

  • Tulving - MSM view of LTM was too simplistic.
  • Procedural memory - 'knowing how'
    • responsible for knowing how to do things
    • memory of motor skills, riding a bike
    • Non- declarative as do not involve conscious recall
    • Area of brain is the cerebellum and motor cortex.
  • Semantic memory - 'knowing that'
    • responsible for storing knowledge about the world.
    • such as meaning of words, and general knowledge of facts such as London is the capital of England
    • Is declarative as they do involve conscious recall
    • These memories are not 'time stamped' - don't remember when and where we first learn information.
    • Area responsible for this is temporal lobe
  • Episodic memory
    • responsible for storing information about events e.g. first day of school
    • declarative as do involve conscious recall
    • They are 'time stamped'- we remember when and where we learned these memories
    • Area responsible is the hippocampus.