a discontinous layer of water at or near the Earth's surface, It includes all liquid and frozen surface waters, groundwater held in soil and rock, and atmospheric water vapour
when the inputs and outputs in a system are balanced and the stores remain the same
when something from outside the system causes a change and acts on that system the dynamic equilibrium will be upset and the system will no longer be in balance
occurs within a system where a change causes a further or snowball effect, continuing or even accelerating the original effect; the effects are amplified
it is positive feedback as the increase in temperature causes further increases in temperature
As air moves across the water frictionaldrag disturbs the surface and forms ripples or waves. In open sea there is little horizontal movement of water. Instead there is an orbital motion of the water particles. Close to the coast, horizontal movement of water does occur as waves are driven onshore to break on the beach
The water becomes shallower and the circular orbit of the wave particles changes to an eliptical shape
The wavelength and the velocity both decrease and the wave height increases - causing water to break up from behind and rise to a point where it starts to topple over (break)
the water rushes up the beach as swash and flows back as backwash