Cards (39)

  • Planning is the process of thinking about
  • Division of work – implies a narrowly defined job for each employee, but job enrichment expands the job vertically and tasks become large so employees can see the value of their labor.
  • Authority and responsibility – employees are authorized to ensure the performance and completion of tasks assigned
  • Span of Control – refers to the limitation on the number of subordinates that a manager can effectively administer and control.
  • Unity of Command – there must be an established chain of command; “by-passing” should be avoided.
  • Unity of Direction - group activities should have one boss and one plan with same objective.
  • Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest – it should not outweigh the interests of the business.
  • Remuneration – “equal pay for equal work”
  • Centralization – to ensure that major policies and decisions are made only by the top management
  • Centralization – to ensure that major policies and decisions are made only by the top management
  • Scalar chain (line of authority)- refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization.
  • Order – ensures that employees are assigned, and resources are allocated properly in the organization.
  • Equity – involves the fair and kind treatment of employees
  • Stability of tenure - Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them.
  • Initiative - Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization.
  • . Esprit de Corps – (group spirit) teamwork is a must; “in union there is strength”.
  • Strategic planning
    -Ensures effectivity & efficiency of org. Provides framework for detailed plans and decisions
    -Long-term(5-20yrs), scope includes all aspects of the org; viewpoint is external.
  • Operational planning
    Short-term(1-5yrs) scope is specific to the immediate actions, viewpoint is internal
    Ensures org is prepared to effectively perform & accomplishes its tasks & objectives
  • Business planning
    Determines the profitability of specific business program. Used to decide whether to invest or move forward. Short-term(1-5yrs) used to make major decisions regarding new business ventures, expansion or termination.
  • Resource planning
    To guarantee the avail of resources needed to carry out strategy to achieve org’s goals. Midterm (1-10yrs)scope is specific to the resources defined in the plan – include human, info/technology, financial, capital, facilities, internal viewpoint
  • Organization planning
    To ascertain the coordination & orderly arrangement to face future challenges. Includes reporting relationships & definition of responsibility & authorization. Midterm(1-10yrs)scope is specific to structural aspects including division, relationships, coord, control; internal vwpt
  • Contingency planning
    Provides a fallback in case the original plan fails, or unforeseen events occur (strike, calamities, changes in management) Short-to long-term(1-20y) Scope specific to situations ; external and internal vwpt
  • Planning
    The process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal
  • Planning
    • It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results
    • It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills
  • Steps in the Planning Process
    1. Orient the planning process to a singular direction or purpose (vision/mission)
    2. Assess the organization's current situation or status
    3. Set goals
    4. Identify and develop strategies to achieve these goals
    5. Establish the objectives that will support the progress towards these goals
    6. Define the responsibilities and timelines for each objective
    7. Write, communicate, and discuss the plan to individuals and units involved
    8. Monitor progress toward meeting goals and objectives
  • 14 Principles of Management
    • Division of Work
    • Authority and responsibility
    • Span of Control
    • Unity of Command
    • Unity of Direction
    • Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest
    • Remuneration
    • Centralization
    • Scalar chain (line of authority)
    • Order
    • Equity
    • Stability of tenure
    • Initiative
    • Esprit de Corps
  • Types of Planning in Pharmacy Organizations
    • Strategic planning
    • Operational planning
    • Business planning
    • Resource planning
    • Organization planning
    • Contingency planning
  • Strategic planning
    Ensures effectivity & efficiency of org, Provides framework for detailed plans and decisions, Long-term(5-20yrs), scope includes all aspects of the org; viewpoint is external
  • Operational planning
    Ensures org is prepared to effectively perform & accomplishes its tasks & objectives, Short-term(1-5yrs) scope is specific to the immediate actions, viewpoint is internal
  • Business planning
    Determines the profitability of specific business program. Used to decide whether to invest or move forward, Short-term(1-5yrs) used to make major decisions regarding new business ventures, expansion or termination
  • Resource planning
    To guarantee the avail of resources needed to carry out strategy to achieve org's goals, Midterm (1-10yrs)scope is specific to the resources defined in the plan – include human, info/technology, financial, capital, facilities, internal viewpoint
  • Organization planning
    To ascertain the coordination & orderly arrangement to face future challenges. Includes reporting relationships & definition of responsibility & authorization, Midterm(1-10yrs)scope is specific to structural aspects including division, relationships, coord, control; internal vwpt
  • Contingency planning
    Provides a fallback in case the original plan fails, or unforeseen events occur (strike, calamities, changes in management), Short-to long-term(1-20y) Scope specific to situations ; external and internal vwpt
  • Develop your own company slogan or tagline, Limited to 5-7 words only
  • Barriers to effective planning
    • Failure to commit enough time & effort to the process of planning
    • Interpersonal issues involving individuals or groups (power struggle, internal politics, resistance to change)
    • Inadequate planning skills
    • Failure to plan for the long-term
    • Constantly changing circumstances or environment
    • Failure to properly implement the plan due to the lack of time and/or resources
    • Inability to monitor the post-planning progress
    • Lack of support from management
  • Limitations to Planning
    • Planning involves educated and experienced guesswork, decisions are made based on evidence availbale from past experience; however risk is still involved
    • Plans are predictions are only as good as the data and info given. Poor documentation and reporting will result in poor strategy
    • Planning is nothing w/o action. Org that do not implement their plans will not succeed. Plans should not also be static or unyielding
    • Planning process should consider the changing environment & circumstance., it should be adaptable
  • Why managers fail in planning
    • Lack of commitment in planning
    • Interchanging planning studies w/ actual plans
    • Failure to develop an implement strat
    • Lack of meaningful &/or realistic obj & goals
    • Underestimating the importance of planning premises
    • Inability to see the scope of plans
    • Failure to see planning as a rational process
    • Too much reliance on experience
    • Non-use of the principle of limiting factor
    • Insufficient support from top mngt
    • Absence of clear delegation of autho & resp
    • Lack of adequate control techniques and information
  • Principles of Decision-making
    • Being patient, thinking long & hard before making decision,esp when on unfamiliar ground
    • Weighing the "pros and cons"
    • Anticipating the results and problems that could arise from the decision
    • Creating a master plan to guide one's decision
    • Balancing the haste of making an urgent decision, w/ a thorough deliberation
  • Steps in decision-making process
    1. Set objectives
    2. Identify constraints
    3. Identify alternatives
    4. Gather appropriate information
    5. Evaluate the alternatives
    6. Choose the most acceptable alternative