point of vulnerability but also potential for growth
stage 1 age
stage 1
trust vs mistrust
needs met and attachment formed
stage 1 adaptive strength
stage 5 age
stage 5
identity vs role confusion
develop a consistent sense of self
eriksons identity
who are you
where are you going
where do you fit in society
eriksons identity includes
roles we have
groups we are memebers of
a synthesis and integration of your understanding of 'self'
identity crisis
honesty in expressing your values, attitudes, and beliefs may be difficult when your beliefs are different from those around you and likley would create conflict if you do so
stage five adaptive strength
stage 6 age
20-40 years
young adults
stage 6
intimacy vs isolation
emotional closeness- adult attachment
trust and vulnerability
stage 6 adaptive strength
mature love
supports and is supportive
gives and takes
is constant and true
if intimacy
formed their own identity
comfortable in relationships
trust themselves and others
form close emotional ties without fear
give freely of themselves
more cooperative
if isolation
hesitant to form close relationships
low tolerance for differences
afraid of closeness, do not trust others
give little of themselves
stage 7 age
middle adulthood
stage 7
generatively vs stagnation
sense of purpose and productivity
G's of stage 7
genes- am i producing something that lives after me
generation- universal sense of responsibility toward all humans, support to the next generation
generate- am i being a productive human being or stagnating
stage 7 adaptive strength
stage 8 age
65 +
late adulthood
stage 8
integrity vs despair
evaluation of life: satisfaction or failure
achieving integrity
content with life and approach it with gratefulness and gratitude
self-confident; not pushed around
life story synthesized; generated meaning and purpose