Preperation of stained squashes of cells from plant root tips
Optical microscope is used to identify the stages of mitosis in these stained squashes and calculation of a mitotic index
The apparent size of cells in the root tip should be measured and should calculate the actual size using the formula: actual size = image size/ magnification
Squashes of cells from plant root tips are preparede by:
Cutting a thin slice of roottip using a scalpel and mount onto a slide
Soak the root tip in hydrichloric acid then rinse
Stain for DNA e.g, with toluidine blue
Lower the coverslip using a mounted needle at 45 degrees without trapping air bubbles
Squash by firmly pressing down on the glass slip
Root tips are used because this is where the dividing cells are found and where mitosis occurs
Stain is used to distinguish chromosomes as chromosomes are not visible without stain
Pressing down on the cover slip is necessary so it spread out the cells to create a single layer of cells, in order for light to pass through to ake the chromosomes visible.
The cover slip shouldn't be pushed sideways, this is to avoid rolling cells together and breaking chromosomes
The root is soaked in acid to seperate the cells and the cell walls, to allow stain to diffuse into cells, to allow cells to be more easily squashed and to stop mitosis.
An optical light microscope is set up by:
Clipping slide onto the stage and turning on the light
Selecting the lowestpowerobjectivelens which is usually x4
Use coarsefocusing dial to movestage close to the lens or turn it to move the stage away from lens until the image comes into focus
Adjust the finefocusing dial to get clear images
Swap to higherpowerobjectivelens, then refocus it
Scientific drawings should:
Look similar to the specimen or image
No sketching or shading
Include a magnification scale
Label with straight and uncrossedlines
Mitotic index is the proportion of cells undergoing mitosis with visible chromosomes
Mitoticindex = number of cells undergoing mitosis/ total number of cells in sample
Determining a reliable MI from observed squashes happens by:
Counting cells in mitosis in the field of view
Counting only wholecells and only cells on top and right edges -> standardise counting
Divide this by the total number of cells in the fieldofview
Repeat with many or atleast5fields of views selected at random -> representative sample
Calculate a reliable mean
Calculating the time cells are in a certain phase of mitosis by:
Identifying proportion of cells in named phase at any one time, number of cells in that phase/ total number of cells observed