What is digested in the intracellular membranes of the microvilli cells?
Carbohydrates and protein
The pH of the duodenum is 7
Pancrease secretes amylase, trypsinogen, exopeptidase and lipase
Liver secretes bile which emulsifies lipids
Brunner's glands:
secretes alkalinemucus/juice
neutralisesstomach acid
provides optimum pH for enzymes
protects the duodenum wall
Enterokinase is secreted into the duodenum by glands in the mucosa. It activates trypsinogen into trypsin to prevent autolysis.
Intracellular digestion occurs inside the cells e.g. in the membranes of the microvilli epithelial cells. All dimer to monomerdigestion occurs here.
The liver
the liver produces bile. This bile is stored in the gall bladder from where it can enter into the duodenum via the bile duct
emulsifieslipids into smaller droplets. This increases the surface area of the lipid droplets which increases the rate of digestion
aids in neutralising the stomach acid as it enters the duodenum with the food
The pancreas
the exocrine glands in the pancreas secrete pancreatic juice. This juice enters the duodenum via the pancreatic duct.
It contains these enzymes:
endopeptidases - hydrolyseprotein to polypeptides.Trypsin is secreted in an inactive form called trypsinogen which s activated by enterokinase
exopeptidases - hydrolyses the terminal ends of a polypeptide into dipeptides and amino acids
amylase - hydrolyses any remaining starch to maltose
lipase - hydrolyses lipids to fatty acids and glycerol
the duodenum makes up the first 20cm of the small intestine
it receives secretions from the liver and the pancreas
Aid in digestion:
Brunner's glands in the submucosa secrete mucus for lubrication and protection, and alkaline juice which helps maintain the optimum pH for the functioning of the enzymes in this area
Intracellular chemical digestion:
carbohydrate and protein digestion is completed by enzymes fixed in the membrane of the epithelial cells of the mucosa
autolysis - self digestion of proteins in your own cells
Extracellular digestion occurs outside of cells e.g. in the lumen of the gut