virtue ethics centres around virtue, you should act virtuously to achieve eudaimonia (life long flourishing happiness).
agent centric
perform good actions because they lead to good habit forming behaviour, developing you as a moral agent. become a better person and society will benefit.
doctrine of the mean
virtue is found between the vices of deficiency (too little of something) and vices of excess (too much), the golden mean is somewhere in the middle. eg for courage the deficiency is cowardice and the excess is rashness.
when the mean becomes the extreme
there are situations where virtuous amount doesnt lie between the two vices and is either none or all, like the right amount of rape is none ever.
hierarchy of souls
plants -> animals -> humans on top!
hierarchy of souls
plants- vegetative, have nutrition and growth
hierarchy of souls
animals- sensitive, have nutrition and growth as well as movementthought and sense perception
hierarchy of souls
humans- rational, has eveything previously mentioned (nurtrition, growth, movement, sense perception, thought) as well as reason
virtuous role models
aristotle suggests to act virtuously you can follow virtuousrolemodels lead and act accordingly. its unclear how you decide who is acting virtuously without comparing them to another virtuous role model which presents the problem of circular reasoning
modern virtue ethicist foot and courageous criminals
argues virtues are only virtuous if correctly used to bring a good outcome. so no courageousbank robbers, dispelling the courageous criminal criticism to virtue ethics.
a response to this could be to suggest this is too teleological to fit virtue ethics which is character based
modern virtue ethicist hursthouse
argues against the idea virtue ethics doesn't provide guidance to solve problems, says it assists practical reasoning to help the agent better respond to dilemmas in a virtuous way.
modern virtue ethicist McIntyre
argues ancient virtues aren't relevant anymore due to time changing culture
modern virtue ethicist slote
her version is agent based rather than centric. morality is based on motive and character whereas aristotles focuses on inner life. describes virtue as the balance between caring for others close to you and people in general.
flexible and sophisticated
Cardinal virtue justice
making fair, the redistribution of gain and loss, "In justice is all virtues"
Cardinal virtue courage
cardinal virtue temperence
self control, moderation, restraint
cardinal virtue prudence
caution, consideration, practical wisdom
An ethical theory put forward by Aristotle which focuses on the virtue and character of the individual rather than on individual actions.