Emphasized only the fittest could survive, if only the fittest survive and thrive in nature, then, applied to human society, that must mean that western industrial societies have proven that their ways are the best suited for the current global environment
1. Shifting geographical focus from 1450-1750 with the Americas & Southeast Asia to 1750-1900 with Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia
2. Change in imperial states from 1450-1750 with Spain and Portugal to 1750-1900 with Spain & Portugal declining power, Great Britain, France, and the Dutch continued to expand, new countries like Germany, Italy, Belgium, US, and Japan began to enter the global world
King Leopold II (Belgium) exploited the Congo Free State for raw materials, when people found out, public outrage emerged and the Belgian government took it upon themselves to take control of Congo and administer it themselves
1. Scramble for Africa was the dispute and competition between European countries, in the Conference of Berlin, for territory in Africa
2. Otto von Bismarck held the Berlin Conference so European states could negotiate so warfare did not break out
3. Africans leaders were not apart of the Berlin Conference which led to drawing borders in Africa that divided previously united ethnic groups and brought together rival ethnic groups
4. France was indebted to Algeria because Algeria supplied them with wheat, Algeria wanted to get paid, so France sent a diplomat to negotiate more time on the payment, Algeria wasn't having it so leader hit the diplomat with a kind of fly swat three times, France did not like this either so they sent 35,000 troops to invade Algeria and claimed the city and continued to take parts of North Africa (mass killing)
Similar to the Columbian exchange!! Because Britain had control over those populations and also spread diseases to the indigenous populations, just like how many Europeans did the same to the Americas and indigenous people
1. United States: US government forcibly moved indigenous peoples onto reservations in order to complete their conquest, boarding schools for indigenous
2. Russia: Pan-Slavism was to unite all Slavic peoples under Russian authority, including all who currently lived under Ottoman and Austrian rule
Increasing questions about political authority, growing sense of nationalism when imperial powers imposed their will and their language and their culture on various colonized peoples
Xhosa cattle killing movement: killed thousands of their cattle because there was a prophecy that said if they did that, new healthy cattle would emerge and the ancestral Xhosa would rise up to get rid of the European, led to starvation which made it easier for British to invade and claim territory
Demographic population explosion, famine (Irish potato famine), new innovations and modes of cheap transportation like the railroad and steamship facilitated this wave of migrations, voluntary migration, coerced & semi-coerced labor, indentured servitude
Women took on roles that were traditionally for men, agriculture, family structures began to change, in South Africa 60% of households were led by women, able to sell excess food led to financial independence
Outpost: Provided a small outpost of the migrants' culture in the receiving society where they spoke their native language, practiced their religion, and ate ethnically distinct foods from home
Cultural diffusion: The presence of these communities also contributed to cultural diffusion of their home cultures into their receiving societies