1988 ed reform act

Cards (14)

  • encourages market based competition in ed to raise standards
  • introduced greater parental choice and control over state ed
  • opts out of LEA control
  • formula funding - funding based on number of students
    • encourages schools to increase demand
  • league tables - show parents how well schools are doing
  • marketisation and parentocracy - schools compete for pupils
    • parents = consumers
  • OFSTED - regulates and inspects schools
  • national curriculum - all students teach the same basic subjects
  • TICK OFSTED is meritocratic
  • TICK competition increases standards
  • TICK parentocracy - ed is responsive to local needs
  • X selection by mortgage - prices out poorer parents
  • X m/c had more effective choice because of their higher levels of cultural capital
  • X pressure to perform - rationing ed - A-C economy and ed triage