The USA and Britain would attack Germany in Western Europe, helping the Soviets fighting in the East
Stalin would declare war against Japan and help the USA to defeat them once the war in Europe was over
Agreed that the aim of the war was to defeat Germany and keep it weak at the end of the war
An international organisation should be set up to settle disputes through discussion and negotiation (later became the United Nations)
Germany to be split into four zones, each controlled by a different power: the USA, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union
Half of Germany's $20 billion reparations would go to the Soviet Union, the Nazi Party would be banned and war criminals prosecuted
The United Nations was set up
Stalin agreed the future governments of Eastern Europe would be decided by free elections
Germany split into four zones, but the economy would be run as a whole
Berlin split into four zones controlled by different countries, even though it was within the Soviet zone of Germany
Each administering country would take its reparations from the zone of Germany it controlled. As the Soviet Union controlled the poorest zone, it could take 10% of the industrial equipment from other zones