
Cards (12)

  • kondratiev waves:
    each wave 50 year cycle
    each wave goes through 4 stages: prosperity, recession, depression, and recovery
    each wave associated with a new technological invention
  • mechanisation:
    tractor increased reliability due to war therefore need to increase home grown food as german destroyed ships increased unemployment
  • mechanisation:
    tractor increased reliability due to war therefore need to increase home grown food as german destroyed ships increased unemployment
  • decline in coal:
    political issues
    cheap source of energy
    decline in demand
    heating in homes
    incompetitive global scale
    cost burning coal
  • ebbw vale:
    been impacted by economic change past 22 years
    depression 1930 1% coal service employed
    entrepreuneur used american tech
    steel works unable to find market
    national garden festival 1992
    developed education £350m aided
    garden festival turned shopping centre 2019
  • consett:
    population 30001
    steel works employed 4,300
    short period mass male unemployment
    many vulnerable to exploitation
  • consett:
    population 30001
    steel works employed 4,300
    short period mass male unemployment
    many vulnerable to exploitation
  • redcar steelworks:
    2,200 employees 551 lost jobs
    known as ghost town
    high street depressed
    steel workers earned up to £40,000
    still had chemical industry
    ruined identity
  • easington cycle deprivation:
    houses ruined required modernised
    2,500 miners worked there for decades
    high crime and unemployment
    food bank went up by 350%
  • secondary decline:
    1954 95% manufacturing concentrated in western europe north america and japan
    1960s heavy industry declined europe
    thrives lidcs
  • why secondary decline?
    lower land and labour costs and government incentives encouraging tncs to relocate
    tncs invested developing countries fdi
    transfer technology made by tncs increase productivity without raising wages
    global shift occured as manufacturing declined and went to low income countries
  • deindustrialisation
    loss jobs manufacturing sectors 50% in 30 years
    manufacturing developing world
    60% exports developing countries
    heavy industry hit hardest by global shift
    UK cities lost manual employment
    Japan put nissan ne dont have to pay importation tax and mechanised by cad cam and employs roughly 7,000 people