Elizabethan England:Challenge at home and abroad, 1569-1588

Cards (24)

  • Who led the Revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569?
    The Earl of Northumberland and the Earl of Westmorland
  • What is a papal bull?
    A written order issued by the Pope
  • Name four major catholic plots Elizabeth faced
    The Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569, The Ridolfi plot 1571, the Throckmorton plot 1583, the Babington plot 1586
  • What happens after the Babington plot 1586?
    Mary, Queen of Scots’ was executed
  • Who was Elizabeth’s spymaster?
    Sir Francis Walsigham
  • What is a cipher?
    A secret way of writing in code
  • Where was the New World?
    North and South America 
  • What is a privateer?  

    Individuals (merchants or explorers) who capture cargo from other ships e.g Drake
  • Who circumnavigated the globe 1577-80?
    Sir Francis Drake
  • How much Spanish treasure did Drake return with after 1580?

    He stole £400,000 worth of Spanish treasure!
  • What did the Spanish call Drake?
    El Draque
  • What was the Treaty of Joinville 1584?
    Spain and France signed an alliance against Protestantism
  • What was the Treaty of Nonsuch 1585?

    Elizabeth I signed a treaty promising to help the Dutch Protestants in the Netherlands
  •  What was the ‘singeing of the King of Spain’s beard’? 
    1587, Elizabeth ordered Drake to go to Cadiz in Spain and destroyed 30 of King Philip’s ships 
  • How many ships did King Philip II send in the Armada?
    130 ships and 30,000 men!
  •  Who led the Spanish Armada?
    Duke of Medina Sidonia
  •  What was the name of the new and improved English ships?
  •  Name a key battle between the Spanish Armada and the English navy
    The Battle of Gravelines 1588
  • Who led the English navy against the Spanish Armada?
    He sent the Duke of Alba to crush it with 10,000 men
  •  Why was Elizabeth worried about Spanish presence in the Netherlands?
    She was worried about the large Spanish army in the Netherlands, too close to England!
  • Who were the sea beggars?
    Dutch protestants who fled the Netherlands and took refuge in English harbour
  •  Who was Mary, Queen of Scots’ first husband?
    King Francis II of France
  • Who was Mary, Queen of Scots’ second husband?
    Lord Darnley (Mary was accused of murdering him) 
  • What did Elizabeth I decide to do when Mary, Queen of Scots’ arrived in England
    She decided to imprison her