The Spread Of Liberal Opposition To 1905

Cards (14)

  • Liberals had long pressed for changes in the governmental structure of the country
  • The spread of education, and the emergence of a stronger middle class as a result of industrialisation, added to the numbers favouring more representation and the rule of law
  • Liberalism was particularly strong in the Zemstva
  • Zemstva reputation enhanced by the actions taken in the face of government's incompetence during the Great Famine and their resentments were galvanised by the reduction in Zemstva powers under Alexander III
  • Zemstva petitioned the Tsar to set up an advisory body but he dismissed the request as a 'senseless dream
  • Didn't deter liberal nobles like Prince Lvov who continued to demand the creation of the all-class Zemstva at volost level and a National Assembly
  • Shipov tried to set set up an 'All Zemstvo Organisation' in 1896 which was immediately banned. Encouraged some of the radical liberals to establish the Beseda Symposium in 1899 to meet in secret and discuss matters of liberal interest like judicial reforms
  • Beseda Symposium assumed leadership of liberal movement after government ordered dismissal of hundreds of liberals from the elected boards of the Zemstva
  • Struve (who defected from the Marxist movement opposing its commitment to violent revolution) founded the Union Of Liberalisation in 190
  • Struve believed that Russia needed a period of 'peaceful evolution' in which to adapt to its new industrialising status and a new constitutional system put in place where the urban workers could campaign legally to improve their conditions
  • Union held many banquets (around 50 during winter) and members declared their intention to work for the establishment of a constitutional government
  • Liberals whether moderate campaigners within the Zemstva or more radical members of liberal unions, had limited political influence before 1905
  • Liberals escaped closer attention of police due to it being overworked coping with the activities of radical opposition as well as urban and rural unrest
  • Nevertheless, the liberals contributed to the momentum that was building up within the country for political change and were the main beneficiaries of the revolution in that year when one of their aims was achieved- a representative national body, the state Duma was established