Cards (7)

  • The concessions of 1905-6 helped to reduce opposition
  • The moderate liberal opposition tried to cooperate with the Duma system, in the hope of further constitutional reform
  • After 1905 there was no single, strong opposition among the nationalities
  • Between 1905 and 1914, the revolutionary SR and SD parties were weakened by the exile of their leaders; the rivalry between the SR and SD parties; the split within the SDs; ideological divisions and disagreements over how to respond to the 1905 defeat; the success of the secret police in breaking revolutionary cells; organisational difficulties, including lack of finance and a shortage of secret printing presses
  • The Bolsheviks succeeded in sending six workers’ deputies to the Fourth Duma in 1912 and their newspaper, Pravda (The Truth) enjoyed high circulation. However, their overall supported was limited.
  • Before 1914, opposition in Russia appeared weakened and demoralised
  • The coming of the war in 1914 further diminished support for the action as a patriotic fervour swept through all political groupings, save for the Bolsheviks