1. As water is split via photolysis, H+ ions are freed up as well as electrons
2. H+ ions are used to create a concentration gradient across the thylakoid membrane between the stroma of the chloroplast and the lumen of the thylakoids
3. The energy from the ETC pumps H+ ions into the lumen of the thylakoid, they are given energy as they move against their concentration gradient to an area of high H+ concentration, this is ACTIVE TRANSPORT
4. The active transport of H+ into the lumen creates a potential difference, or charge, across the thylakoid membrane, inside the lumen is more positively charged than the stroma
5. A special protein channel in the thylakoid membrane allows energized H+ ions to move back down their concentration gradient into the stroma of the chloroplast, as they move back to equilibrium concentrations, H+ ions release a lot of energy, catalyzing the creation of ATP