Discarded solid substances generated from human activities and having no more value with respect to its economic, physiological or technological process
Solid waste in a broader sense corresponds to any domestic, industrial and agricultural resources that are considered already useless
Leachates from garbage dumps seep into the soil can pollute underground water
Scavengers, stray animals and insects can invade the garbage and clutter the waste that can damage the atmosphere and can spread various diseases
Food and water supply, if gets contaminated with pathogens present in solid wastes, may result in cholera, jaundice, hepatitis, gastro enteric diseases etc.
Waste plastics and rubber pollute the atmosphere with toxic fumes while organic solid wastes emit obnoxious odor upon decomposition that make the environment polluted
Hospital and clinic wastes if not properly handled can cause transmission of diseases
Solid wastes can result in water logging that facilitates breeding of mosquitoes resulting to the spread of diseases like malaria and plague
The collection and treatment of solid wastes to reduce and eradicate the adverse effect of solid waste to individual's health and to the environment as well so that economy will be developed and the quality of life will be improved
Reprocessing waste materials to form new products, common examples are recycling of plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass, tin and plastics
Collecting waste from garbage bins by the collection vehicles and bringing the garbage in the collection site where the waste conveyance trucks unload the waste
Services, tools, and methods used to make materials become ecofriendly to be used again and to efficiently develop other essential features of waste management
Final phase of waste management that involves activities with the purpose of disposing waste materials in locations such as landfills or in places that converts waste-to-usable materials facilities
Conversion of organic materials such as yard trimmings, food scraps, coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves, herbs, spices, nuts and egg shells as well as cut flowers or plant trimmings into compost