Perfection or completion/ Dynamic force of our behavior
Striving for personal superiority
¨will to power or a domination of others (unhealthy)
Striving for completion (success)¨
describe actions of people who are motivated by highly developed social interest (healthy)
Each individual is guided by their ?
Final goals
Fictions (according to Adler)
The Final Goal
Fictional Finalism to Self-guiding Ideal fictional and has no objective existence. Cannot be judged as right or wrong, true or false but only based on usefulness. A product of creative power; neither genetically nor environmentally determined.
Creative Power
ability to freely shape our behavior and create our own personality
¨People strive for superiority or success as a means of ___ for feelings of inferiority or weakness
Children will compensate for feelings of inferiority in devious ways that have no apparent relationship to their fictional goal.
Personal (negative)
Physical Deficiencies
ignite feelings of inferiority only because people, by their nature, possess an innate tendency toward completion or wholeness.
Stiving for personalsuperiority
¨Striving for superiority with little or no concern for others.¨ Goals are personal (personal gain)
¨Strivings are motivated largely by exaggerated feelings of personal inferiority, or the presence of an _______
inferiority complex
Psychologically healthy people are motivated by_and the success___________ of all humankind
social interest
Striving for Completion
¨capable of helping others without demanding or expecting a personal payoff able, to see others not as opponents but as people with whom they can cooperate for social benefit
¨success is not gained at the expense of others but is a natural tendency to move toward ________
completion or perfection.
People's subjective perceptions shape their behavior and personality
¨Fictions, or expectations of the future. Shape people’s striving for superiority or success to compensate for feelings of inferiority. Teleological view of motivation.
The whole person strives in a self-consistent fashion toward a ___ goal
single goal
Personality is Unified and Self- Consistent
¨The whole person strives in a self-consistent fashion toward a single goal.¨The disturbance of one part of the body cannot be viewed in isolation; it affects the entire person.
Organ Dialect
The deficient organ expresses the direction of the individual’s goal
¨as that part of the goal that is neither clearly formulated nor completely understood by the individual; not helpful.
thoughts are those that are understood and regarded by the individual as helpful in striving for success.
other words for SOCIAL INTEREST
(Gemeinschaftsgefühl – “social feeling” or “community feeling”)
can be defined as an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general as well as an empathy for each member of the human community.nIt manifests itself as cooperation with others for social advancement rather than for personal gain
Style of life
¨the flavor of a person’s life.
Psychologically unhealthy lead ________ in style of life
inflexible lives
Psychologically healthy behave in ____and____- ways in style of life
diverse and flexible
Ruling type
aggressive, dominating people who have little social interest or cultural perception
Getting type
dependent people who take rather than give
Avoiding type
people who try to escape life's problems and engage in little socially constructive activity
Socially useful type
people with a great deal of social interest and activity
Style of life is molded by people’s _________-.
creative power
Abnormal Development
one factor underlying all types of maladjustments is underdeveloped social interest.
set their goals too high
live in their private world
have a rigid and dogmatic life
Exaggerated physical deficiencies
People with exaggerated physical deficiencies sometimes develop exaggerated feelings of inferiority
People with exaggeratedphysicaldeficiencies
They tend to be overly concerned with themselves and lack consideration for others
Can lead to maladjustment
Pampered style of life
Lies at the heart of most neuroses
Have weak social interest but a strong desire to perpetuate the pampered, parasitic relationship with one or both of their parents
Overriding drive to establish a permanent parasitic relationship with the mother or a mother substitute
Neglected style of life
Abused and mistreated children develop little social interest and tend to create a neglected style of life
Have little confidence in themselves and tend to overestimate difficulties
Tend to be distrustful
Safeguarding Tendencies
People create patterns of behavior to protect their exaggerated sense of self-esteem against public disgrace; partly conscious
if only …. And Yes, but
If only I am more confident
If only I was in the right place and right time
If only I did this and that
Yes I agree, but my mother/father/husband/wife/daughter etc. don’t
Adler (1956) held that some people use aggression to safeguard their exaggerated superiority complex, that is, to protect their fragile self-esteem