humanistic approach

    Cards (5)

    • humanistic approach is based on the idea that people are free to make their own choices
    • basic assumptions
      • every person is unique and we shouldn't generalise groups
      • free will- we have the ability to choose what to do and we are in control of our behaviour
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
      fundamental to human nature
      • physiological- breathing, food, sex, sleep, excretion
      • safety- security of body, job, morality, heath and family
      • love/belonging- friends, family, sexual intimacy
      • esteem- self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect for and by others
      • self actualisation- morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice
    • focus on the self
      • self concept - the self you feel you are, I someone has low self esteem, self concept may be poor
      • real self- the person you actually are, diffract to demonstrate as everyone perceives others differently
      • ideal self- the person you want to be, who you are aiming to be
      -rogers also said to achieve self actualisation, a person must be congruent meaning their ideal self na actual experience should be the same
    • humanistic approach evaluation
      +free will theories as they support how we feel
      +humanistic psychology allows for personal development throughout life unlike psychodynamic approach
      -some concepts are vague as it's hard to measure self actualisation
      -ideas are hard to scientifically test with empirical evidence, very subjective
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