
Cards (12)

  • coast is a narrow zone where land meet sea and interacts. they change as a result of land, atomosphere, sea, and human processes
  • littoral zone:
    • from highest sea level line to shallow offshore waters
    • divided into backshore, foreshore, nearshore, and offshore
    • contains many coastal sediments
    • sediment is moved by waves, currents, and tides
  • backshore is beyond the influence of waves and sand dunes form
  • offshore water is too deep for waves to breal
  • foreshore is the most dynamic zone inc erosion and deposition
  • nearshore is the inter-tidal zone
  • sediment cells:
    • 11 sediment cells england and wales movement is self-contained
    • closed sub-system material is recycled
    • boundaries determined by shape of coastline directing the movement of sediment in cell
    • headlands and peninsulas natural barriers
    • change in wind can affect movement high under conditions sediment move offshore
    • manage coastal zone
    • model effect of change
  • steady state equilibrium inputs and outputs are equal and there is little change
  • metastable equilibrium caused by dramatic event that brings abotu change and adjustement
  • dynamic equilibrium is gradual and long term change
  • A sediment budget is the balance between changes in the volume of sediment held within the system and the volume of sediment entering or leaving the system.
    A positive budget is when there are more inputs than outputs to the system and a negative budget is when outputs are higher than inputs. 
    Accretion = growth of depositional features, e.g a beach 
    Denudation =  erosion process of breaking and removal of rock/ sediment
  • Clasticfragments of rock (from very large boulders to individual quartz mineral grains)
    • Biogenicremains of shells and corals