5.3.7 Negative Feedback

Cards (8)

  • Which gland releases thyroxine?
  • What is the role of thyroxine?
    Regulating metabolism.
  • Too much thyroxine will what?
    Increase your metabolic rate.
  • If the level of thyroxine in the blood is too low..?
    The pituitary gland will release more thyroid stimulating hormone.
  • Which gland releases adrenaline?
    Adrenal gland.
  • What is the role of adrenaline?
    Stimulates fight or flight response.
  • When is adrenaline produced?
    In times of fear or stress.
  • What is the fight or flight setup?
    Increased heart rate and a boosted delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles.