Group 1 metals are soft and malleable and form positive ions. Reffered as the alkali metals.
The reactivity of group 1 increases down the group due to an increase in atomic radius, which leads to weaker metallic bonds and increased electron affinity.
Group 7 are known as the halogens and are very reactive.
Group 0 are known as the noble gasses as they are inert and non-reactive.
physical properties of the alkali metals:
They are soft and have relatively low melting points
Write the general equation for a metal reacting with water
Metal + water → metal hydroxide + hydrogen
What would you observe when an alkali metal reacts with water?
Fizzing, metal moves around on the surface of the water. Potassium will have a lilac flame
Why are the noble gases chemically inert?
They have a full outer shell of electrons
properties of the noble gases
Inert, low density, non-flammability
boiling point decreases as go down group 0
chlorine at room temperature is a pale yellow green gas
bromine at room temp is a red brown liquid
iodine at room temp is a grey solid
boiling point increases as you go down group 7
lithium + water
FIZZES steadily
melts into a ball and then fizzes quickly
pottasium + water
gives off sparks and hydrogen burns with lilac flame
alkali metal + water
metal hydroxide+hydrogen
alkali metal+chlorine
Metal chloride (salt)
alkali metal + oxygen
metal oxide
halogens exist as diatomic molecules
chemical test for chlorine
-damp litmus paper is bleaches and turns white
what do the halogens form when reacted with metal
-ionic compounds
-become metal halides -”ine” becomes “ide”
displacement reactions
-more reactive halogen replaces the less reactive one
properties of noble gases
-inert=argon used aas a sheild gas in welding
-low density=helium used in balloons and airships
-non-flammability=argon,krypton and xenon inside light bulbs-stops filament burning away
Why does reactivity increase as you go up group 7?
The outer electron is more easily gained because the electron shell is closer to the nucleus so the nuclear attraction is higher.
What happens to group 7 atoms when they react in terms of electrons?
The atom gains an outer shell electron to form an ion with a 1- charge
Write a general equation for a halogen reacting with hydrogen
Halogen + hydrogen → hydrogen halide
What is formed when a halogen reacts with a metal?
a metal halide
What is formed when a halogen reacts with hydrogen?