Cards (10)

  • What is the primary means by which amebas move?
    = Pseudopods
  • Which of the following is NOT a morphologic form of amebas?A)TrophozoiteB) CystC) SporozoiteD) None of the above
    = Sporozoite
  • What is the main characteristic of trophozoites?
    = Feeding and motile
  • True or False: Trophozoites and cysts have different nuclear characteristics.
    = False
  • How are amebas usually transmitted to humans?
    = Ingestion of infective cysts in contaminated food or water
  • Which stage of the amebic life cycle is easily destroyed by gastric juices?A)TrophozoiteB) CystC) SporozoiteD) Encysted trophozoite
    = Trophozoite
  • Where does the conversion from cysts to trophozoites occur?
    = Ileocecal area of the intestine
  • How does replication occur in amebas?
    = Asexual binary fission
  • Under what conditions does encystation occur?
    = High temperature
    = Low pH
    =  Excessive food supply
  • What allows cysts to remain viable in the outside environment?
    = Protective cell wall