Electromagnetic Waves

Cards (10)

  • What type of spectrum do electromagnetic waves form? 
    A continous spectrum. 
  • Order the types of electromagnetic radiation.
    Radio waves
    Visible Light
    Gamma Rays
  • How do speeds of EM radiation differ in a vacuum and air? 
    All travel at the same speed In a vacuum and in air.
  • What property of waves in different mediums cause refraction?
    Wave speed is slower in denser material, causing refraction    
  • In which direction do waves refract when entering entering a denser medium?
    Towards the normal
    Angle of refraction is less then angle of incidence
  • Health effects of ultraviolet waves:
    Skin to age prematurely
    Increase risk of skin cancer   
  • Health effects of X-rays and Gamma rays:
    They are ionising so can lead to gene mutation
    They lead to increased risk of developing various cancers. 
  • Uses of infrared radiation:
    Electrical heaters
    Cooking food
    Infrared cameras
  • Uses of microwave radiation.
    Satellite communication
    Cooking food   
  • Two uses of radio waves
    Television transmission
    Radio transmission