Zimbardo Conformity to Social Roles

Cards (7)

  • Zimbardo: Research procedure
    - Mock prison in the basement of Stanford University
    - Volunteer sampling for those who were 'emotionally stable'
    - 24 Male PPs randomly assigned roles of guards or prisoners
    - They were issued a uniform and number
    - The prisoners had to follow rules enforced by guards
    - Names were never used
    - Guards had complete power over prisoners
  • Zimbardo: Findings
    - Guards behaviour became a threat to prisoner's psychological and physical health so study was stopped after 6 days instead of the intended 14
    - Conducted frequent headcounts
    - After their rebellion was put down, prisoners became depressed and anxious
    - 1 prisoner was released on 1st day because they showed symptoms of psychological disturbance
    - 2 more were released on the 4th day
    - 1 prisoner went on hunger strike
    - Guard's behaviour became more brutal and aggressive, enjoyed the power they had over prisoners
  • Zimbardo: Conclusion
    - Revealed power of the situation to influence people's behaviour
    - Guards, prisoners and researchers all conformed to roles within prison.
    - Even volunteers who came in to perform certain functions found themselves behaving as if they were in a prison rather than a psychological study.
  • Zimbardo A03: Control over variables
    - Zimbardo had some control over variables e.g selection of PPs
    - Chose emotionally stable PPs and randomly assigned them to social roles
    - Tried to rule out individual personality differences in the findings
    - If PPs behaved differently but only had these roles by chance then behaviour may have been due to pressures of the situation
    - This increases internal validity of study
  • Zimbardo A03: Lack of realism
    - PPs were only play acting and not genuinely conforming to roles, performance based on stereotypes of how prisoners and guards are supposed to behave
    - However, the situation was real to PPs - qualitative data gathered showed that 90% of prisoners conversations were about prison life
    - This gives a high degree of internal validity
  • Zimbardo A03: Role of dispositional influences
    - Zimbardo exaggerated the power of the situation to influence behaviour, minimised role of personality factors
    - 1/3 guards behaved in a brutal manner, another 1/3 were keen on applying the rules fairly, and the other 1/3 tried to help and support prisoners
    - Differences in guard's behaviour indicate they were able to exercise right and wrong choices despite situational pressures to conform to a role
  • Zimbardo A03: Ethical Issues
    • Major ethical issues arose in Zimbardo's study
    • Failed to protect from harm
    • Deception as they were not randomly assigned the role of prisoner or guard and were arrested without knowing
    • Ethical guidelines were broken and cannot be conducted today