explanations of media influence

Cards (10)

  • desensitisation - biological
    repeated exposure to media violence removes anxiety that normally inhibits aggressive behaviour, aggression more likely - witness violent actions = physiological arousal, sympathetic nervous system (increased heart rate) - people repeatedly view aggression experience gradually less arousal (anxiety) over time so more likely to respond to conflict with aggressive behaviour
    participants who reported regularly viewing violent media showed lower levels of arousal when shown violent film clips than non regular viewers - lower arousal correlated with unprovoked aggression in noise blast task - regular exposure to media aggression desensitises the viewer
  • DESENSITISATION EVALUATION - criticised for not measuring real life aggression
    delivering noise blasts is very different from real aggression and doesn't involve the fear of retaliation - also can't say desensitisation causes aggression (correlated) just linked
  • DESENSITISATION EVALUATION - positive and negative real life consequences
    positive - army troops can become desensitised to horrors of combat and be a more effective soldier - could use violent media like computer games to desensitise soldiers as part of conflict training - negative - Bushman - exposure to violent media and resulting desensitisation can reduce helping behaviour - become comfortably numb to pain and suffering of others so are less helpful - awareness of desensitisation important in a range of situations
  • disinhibition - social
    violent media undermines and loosens social constraints that that normally inhibits aggressive behaviour making aggression more likely - learn violence socially unacceptable, powerful social and psychological inhibitions against using aggression - exposure to violent media can change these standards of what is considered acceptable behaviour creating new social norms for viewer
    participants that watched film depicting aggression like die hard (vengeance) gave more (fake) electric shocks of longer duration to confederate - media violence may disinhibit aggressive behaviour when presented as vengeance may be seen as justification for violence and more socially acceptable
  • DISINHIBITION EVALUATION - may depend on other factors
    Heath - children growing up in households with strong norms against violence unlikely to experience sufficient disinhibition to show aggressive behaviour - disinhibition effect stronger in families where children experience physical punishment from parents and identify with violent heroes - practical applications encouraging parents to prevent children from feeling effects of disinhibition
  • cognitive priming - cognitive
    exposure to violent media activates thoughts or ideas about violence which activate other aggressive thoughts through associations made in memory making aggression more likely - violent media like computer games can temporarily increase activation or readiness making them more accessible for a short time - process mostly automatic so can direct behaviour without us being aware of it - primed response triggered when we encounter cues in situation that we perceive as aggressive
    found when undergraduates watched 15 minute segment of violent film they had faster reaction times to aggressive words than those who hadn't watched the violent film - exposure to violent media increases accessibility of violent thoughts and ideas - Anderson and Dill found participants who played violent computer games had more cognitively accessible aggressive thoughts than those who played non violent computer games - single incident of violent game play enough to prime aggressive thoughts
  • MEDIA INFLUENCE OVERALL EVALUATION - ignores role of genetics
    possible aggressive behaviour may be genetic - Brunner discovered defective MAOA gene in Dutch family with hostly of male violence - testosterone shown to play important role in determining aggressive behaviour - media influence explanations may be limited in number of aggressive behaviours they can successfully explain on their own and other approaches may be needed to explain all cases of aggression