The family socialises children into their gender roles through…
Manipulation, encouraging gender specific behaviours
Verbal Appellations, adopting different tones of speech depending on a child’s gender
Differentiated Activities, encouragement into different gender stereotyped activities
Canalisation, channelling interests towards gender specific toys, books, games etc
School books portray stereotypical gender roles
‘Slimblondeness’ depicts stereotypical slim, blonde women as a beauty standard for young girls to copy
Legal changes reflect changes in society e.g. divorce act
'Genderquake', women more financially independent & able to leave marriages
Allan & Crow
Marriage is focused on high expectations & fulfilment of happiness leading to an increase of cohabitation
Increase in confluent love & serial monogamy find a 'perfect relationship'
marriage has become less of a sacred union and more of a personal commitment which can be abandoned if fails
The Rapoports(post modernists)
Family diversity 5 elements
Cultural diversity, different family lifestyles of different ethnic groups
Lifecycle diversity, changes in a stage of someone’s life e.g. newly weds without kids
Organisational diversity, variations in family structures & conjugal roles
Generational diversity, same period & may have recurring patterns e.g. dual earners
Social Class diversity, differences in m/c & w/c families & how they are socialised
Younger people are more likely to live alone, particularly men aged 25-44 as women are more likely to keep children in a marital breakdown
De'ath & Slater
Children will find themselves pulled in two separate directions especially if parents’ relationship is strained & may have tense relations with step parents
Sue Sharpe
Girls’ priorities in the 1970s were love & families compared to girls in the 1990s prioritised careers
Smart & Stevens
Couples use cohabitation as a test of their commitments
People are choosing cohabitation as a long-term alternative to marriage
Influence of celebrity culture have made weddings seem more expensive
Ansley (radical feminist)
Women are the takers of shit
Allan & Crow
increase in divorce shows an increase in individual choice and leads to more lone parent families
Less stigma around alternative forms of living (more acceptable)
Benston (marxist feminist)
Women are pushed into exploitative roles by capitalism
Bernard (marxist feminist)
men gain more from marriage than women (triple shift)
Fathers are now more involved in childcare as women can have careers (no longer taboo)
Chester (post-modernist)
The nuclear family is not breaking down from the increase in more diverse family structures
Delphy & Leonard (radical feminist)
The family is patriarchal, women have a dual burden and are controlled by their husbands
Dennis & Erdos (new right)
Boys who are brought up without a father are more likely to obtain a criminal record
Dobash (radical feminist)
Domestic violence caused by challenging husband’s authority, argued marriage legitimises violence against women & gives authority to husbands
Duncombe & marsden (liberal feminist)
women work a triple shift (emotional, domestic & careers)
Engels (marxism)
women are seen as dependents and used to create heirs
Increase in freedom of individual choice and acceptance of diversity
increase in freedom of individual choice and acceptance of diversity
increase in voluntary childlessness
increase in life expectancy causing extended families grandparents provide emotional support to grandkids
Phillips (new right)
children from nuclear families have more stable personalities
Family is hard to define due to demographic change
cerealpacket family
McAllister & Clarke
increase in women choosing to remain childless seen as a positive choice
Stacey (post modernist)
society needs to adapt to cope with a greater variety of family life
Engels (marxism)
women are seen as dependents and exploited through capitalism to produce heirs
Zaretsky (Marxism)
The family is a part of the ideological state apparatus
Murdock (functionalism)
the nuclear family performs 4 functions (Reproductive, Educational, Economic, Sexual)