
Cards (48)

  • Lombroso
    Existence of a criminal gene - racist ideas
  • Ann Oakley (liberal feminist)
    The family socialises children into their gender roles through…
    • Manipulation,   encouraging gender specific behaviours
    • Verbal Appellations,   adopting different tones of speech depending on a child’s gender
    • Differentiated Activities,   encouragement into different gender stereotyped activities
    • Canalisation,   channelling interests towards gender specific toys, books, games etc
  • Best
    School books portray stereotypical gender roles
  • McRobbie
    ‘Slimblondeness’ depicts stereotypical slim, blonde women as a beauty standard for young girls to copy
  • Giddens
    Legal changes reflect changes in society e.g. divorce act
  • Wilkinson
    'Genderquake', women more financially independent & able to leave marriages
  • Allan & Crow
    Marriage is focused on high expectations & fulfilment of happiness leading to an increase of cohabitation
  • Giddens
    Increase in confluent love & serial monogamy find a 'perfect relationship'
  • Gibson
    marriage has become less of a sacred union and more of a personal commitment which can be abandoned if fails
  • The Rapoports(post modernists)
    Family diversity 5 elements
    • Cultural diversity, different family lifestyles of different ethnic groups
    • Lifecycle diversity, changes in a stage of someone’s life e.g. newly weds without kids
    • Organisational diversity, variations in family structures & conjugal roles
    • Generational diversity, same period & may have recurring patterns e.g. dual earners
    • Social Class diversity, differences in m/c & w/c families & how they are socialised
  • Chandler
    Younger people are more likely to live alone, particularly men aged 25-44 as women are more likely to keep children in a marital breakdown
  • De'ath & Slater
    Children will find themselves pulled in two separate directions especially if parents’ relationship is strained & may have tense relations with step parents
  • Sue Sharpe
    Girls’ priorities in the 1970s were love & families compared to girls in the 1990s prioritised careers
  • Smart & Stevens
    Couples use cohabitation as a test of their commitments
  • Chandler
    People are choosing cohabitation as a long-term alternative to marriage
  • O'Connell
    Influence of celebrity culture have made weddings seem more expensive
  • Ansley (radical feminist)
    Women are the takers of shit
  • Allan & Crow
    increase in divorce shows an increase in individual choice and leads to more lone parent families
  • Beck-Gernsheim
    Less stigma around alternative forms of living (more acceptable)
  • Benston (marxist feminist)
    Women are pushed into exploitative roles by capitalism
  • Bernard (marxist feminist)
    men gain more from marriage than women (triple shift)
  • Chapman
    Fathers are now more involved in childcare as women can have careers (no longer taboo)
  • Chester (post-modernist)
    The nuclear family is not breaking down from the increase in more diverse family structures
  • Delphy & Leonard (radical feminist)
    The family is patriarchal, women have a dual burden and are controlled by their husbands
  • Dennis & Erdos (new right)
    Boys who are brought up without a father are more likely to obtain a criminal record
  • Dobash (radical feminist)
    Domestic violence caused by challenging husband’s authority, argued marriage legitimises violence against women & gives authority to husbands
  • Duncombe & marsden (liberal feminist)
    women work a triple shift (emotional, domestic & careers)
  • Engels (marxism)
    women are seen as dependents and used to create heirs
  • Gibson
    Increase in freedom of individual choice and acceptance of diversity
  • Giddens
    increase in freedom of individual choice and acceptance of diversity
  • Hantrais
    increase in voluntary childlessness
  • Ross
    increase in life expectancy causing extended families grandparents provide emotional support to grandkids
  • Phillips (new right)
    children from nuclear families have more stable personalities
  • Gough
    Family is hard to define due to demographic change
  • Leach
    cereal packet family
  • McAllister & Clarke
    increase in women choosing to remain childless seen as a positive choice
  • Stacey (post modernist)
    society needs to adapt to cope with a greater variety of family life
  • Engels (marxism)
    women are seen as dependents and exploited through capitalism to produce heirs
  • Zaretsky (Marxism)
    The family is a part of the ideological state apparatus
  • Murdock (functionalism)
    the nuclear family performs 4 functions (Reproductive, Educational, Economic, Sexual)