Cards (14)

  • Biodiversity- the variety and the number of living organisms in a particular area, made of three components (species, genetic and ecosystem diversity)
  • Species diversity- the number of different species and the number of individuals of each species living within the community
  • Genetic diversity- the variety of genes possessed by the individuals that make up a population of a species
  • Ecosystem diversity- the range of different habitats (small local habitats to the entire Earth- biome)
  • Species richness- measurement of the number of different species in a community, simple way of measuring biodiversity, but population size is not accounted for
  • Index of diversity- a measure the number of individuals in a species compared to the total number of species in the community
  • d= d=N(N1)/Σn(n1) N(N−1)/Σn(n−1)
    N is the total number of individuals collected.
    n is the number of individuals in the species.
    The higher 'd' is, the more diverse the area is- if it is 1, all the individuals are of the same species.
  • What farming practises can impact biodiversity?
    • Deforestation
    • Monoculturing
    • Pesticides
    • Destruction of habitats (removing hedgerows)
    • Herbicide
  • Woodland clearance and hedgerow removal- reduces the number and species of trees, destroys habitats (removes food and homes), birds migrate which can cause further loss of biodiversity
  • Herbicides- reduces plant diversity which reduces food sources for other insects causing migration which interrupts the food chain, so birds and other mammals are affected
  • Pesticides- directly reduces the diversity of pests and indirectly affects the diversity of any organisms which feed on the pests
  • Monoculture crops- less choice of crops means less organisms are able to be supported, leading to more migration and less biodiversity
  • Conservation techniques for farmers:
    • Allowing parts of the farm to grow wild
    • Bringing back hedgerows and animal strips- allows animals to walk through the fields
    • Wildflower strips around the edges of fields- encourages birds and predatory insects
  • Conservation benefits agriculture (farming) by maintaining the environment and providing new sources of food.