Impact of WW1 on Germany

Cards (21)

  • What was national income like?
    1/3 of previous numbers
  • What happened to the German navy in October 1918?
    It mutinied and caused unrest to spread throughout Germany
  • What does mutinied mean?

    Any overt act of defiance or attack upon military (including naval) authority by two or more persons subject to such authority.
  • What happened in many towns?
    Workers and soldies set up their own official councils to replace the Kaiser's officials
  • What does Kaiser mean?
    The German Emperor
  • What happened to the Kaiser of Germany after WW1 and why?
    He was forced to abdicate because the USA would not make peace terms with him.
  • What happened to women in Germany during WW1?

    They were called up to work in factories
  • What were people's opinions on women being called to work?
    Many saw it as damaging to traditional family values and society as a whole
  • What percentage of German soldiers became casualties?
  • How many children were left without fathers?
    2 million
  • What did stresses of war lead to?
    It led to a revolution and the formation of a democratic republic (the Weimar Republic)
  • What nickname were the German politicians given for signing the Armistice?
    The 'November Criminals
  • What was deepened during the war?
    Divisions between the rich and the poor especially the living standards
  • What fraction of what it had been did industrial production become?
  • What happened to Germany's debts and what did this cause?

    Debts tripled 1914-1918 meaning Germany was virtually bankrupt
  • What effects did the war have on poor people?
    Many were worse off than they were before
  • Why did workers start rioting?
    Many German workers were bitter at the restrictions on their earnings whilst factory earners made vast fortunes
  • How did the German people feel about the signing of the Armistice?

    They felt 'stabbed in the back
  • How did people feel about the new democratic leaders?
    Ex-soldiers and civilians despised them and came to believe that the heroic leader Field Marshall Hindenburg had been betrayed by weak politicians
  • How many widows were left after the war and what did they need?
    600,000 were left who all needed financial support from the government
  • How much were the state spending in war pensions by 1925?
    1/3 of their budget