Lies on the lateral and ventral surfaces of the cervical vertebrae, lateral to the longus colli
Arises from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and inserts on the muscular tubercle on the ventral surface of the basioccipital bone of the skull
Arises by a broad aponeurosis from the tendinous raphe of the neck and from the thoracic and lumbar spines and inserts on the proximal portions of the ribs
Consists of two portions: the serratus dorsalis cranialis and the serratus dorsalis caudalis
Arises from the superficial leaf of the thoracolumbar fascia caudal to the last rib, in common with the lumbar part of the external abdominal oblique, and from the tuber coxae and adjacent portion of the inguinal ligament
Medial to the internal abdominal oblique and the rectus abdominis
Its fibers run transversely
The muscle arises dorsally from the medial surfaces of the last four or five ribs and from the transverse processes of all the lumbar vertebrae by means of the deep leaf of the thoracolumbar fascia