Origin: The sacrotuberous ligament and the ischiatic tuberosity
Insertion: by means of the fascia lata and crural fascia to the patella, patellar ligament and cranial border of the tibia; by means of the crural fascia to the subcutaneous part of the tibial body; the tuber calcanei
Action: To extend the hip, stifle and hock. The caudal part of the muscle flexes the stufle
Insertion: The medial surface of the body of the tibia and the tuber calcanei by means of the crural fascia. Near its insertion, it lies on the medial head of the the gastrocnemius and is covered by the gracilis muscle
Action: To extend the hip, flex the stifle and extend the hock
Origin: Cranial part – the crest of the ilium and the thoracolumbar fascia, Caudal part – the cranial ventral iliac spine and the adjacent ventral border of the ilium
Insertion: Cranial part – the patella, in common with the restuc femoris of the quadriceps, Caudal part – the cranial border of the tibia, in common with the gracilis
Action: to flex the hip. The cranial part extends the stifle; the caudal part flexes the stifle
Origin: The entire pelvic symphysis by means of the symphysial tendon, the adjacent part of the ischiatric arch and ventral surface of the pubis and ischium
Insertion: The entire lateral lip of the caudal rough face of the femur
Origin: The lateral border of the sacrum and the first caudal vertebra, partly means of the sacrotuberous ligament; the cranial dorsal iliac spine by means of the deep gluteal fascia
Origin: The lateral condyle of the tibia, proximal end of the fibula and the lateral epicondyle of the femur by means of the lateral collateral ligament of the stifle
Insertion: The 4th tarsal bone; the plantar aspect of the proximal ends of metatarsals
Action: To flex the tarsus and rotate the paw medially so that the plantar surface faces laterally