Muscular System Part 5

Cards (22)

  • Digastricus (biventer)
    • Origin: arises from the paracondylar process of the occipital bone
    • Insertion: body of the mandible
    • Action: only muscle that opens the jaw: aided by gravity
    • Innervation: Rostral part - mandibular nerve (part of the cranial nerve 5), Caudal part - facial nerve (cranial nerve 8)
  • Masseter muscle
    • Origin: Zygomatic arch
    • Insertion: Masseteric fossa; the ventrolateral surface of the ramus of the mandible, and the angular process
    • Action: closes the jaw
    • Innervation: Trigeminal nerve
  • Temporalis
    • Origin: arises from the temporal fossa
    • Insertion: coronoid process of the mandible
    • Action: closes the jaw
    • Innervation: Trigeminal nerve
  • Medial and Lateral Pterygoid Muscles
    • Origin: Arises from the pterygoid palatine fossa
    • Insertion: medial surface and caudal margin of the ramus and the angular process
    • Action: closes the jaw
    • Innervation: Trigeminal nerve
  • Muscles of Facial Expression
    • Muscles that move the skin and appendages of the face and head
    • Facial expression or mimetic muscles
    • Generally thin cutaneous muscles innervated by the facial nerve
  • Platysma
    • Origin: Cutaneous muscle that passes from the dorsal median raphe of the neck to the angle of the mouth
    • Insertion: radiates into the orbicularis oris in the lips
    • Action: Draw the angle of the mouth caudally
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Buccinator (Trumpeter's muscle)
    • Origin: it attaches to the alveolar margins of the mandible and maxilla and the adjacent buccal mucosa
    • Action: Contraction draws the cheek inwards against the teeth
    • Innervation: facial nerve
  • Levator nasolabialis
    • Origin: Arises from the maxillary bone, courses rostroventrally
    • Insertion: Attaches to the edge of the superior lip and on the naris
    • Action: Contraction causes the dilation of the nostrils and raises the upper lip
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Orbicularis oris
    • Origin: Lies near the free borders of the lips and extends from one lip to the other around the angle of the mouth
    • Insertion: The fibers of each side at the median plane in the incisor region of both jaws
    • Action: Contraction closes the lips by drawing them together into the shape of an "O"
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Zygomaticus (Smiling muscle)
    • Origin: Arises from the zygomatic arch
    • Action: draws the angle of the mouth caudally and external ear cranially and ventrally
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Mentalis
    • Origin: Arises from the pterygoid palatine fossa
    • Action: Contraction stiffens the apical region of the lowerlip
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Frontalis
    • Origin: A thin sheet of muscle overlying the temporalis muscle
    • Action: Contraction draws the scutular cartilage forward and raises the eyebrow
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Orbicularis oculi
    • Origin: Attached medially to the medial palbepral ligament
    • Insertion: The fibers of each side at the median plane in the incisor region of both jaws
    • Action: Close the palpebral fissure
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Retractor anguli oculi lateralis
    • Origin: Passes directly caudally from the lateral palpebral angle to blend with the temporal fascia
    • Action: Assist in the closing of the eye
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Levator anguli oculi medialis
    • Origin: Passes directly from the medial palpebral angle to attach to the frontal bone
    • Action: raises the upper lid and erects the eyebrow
    • Innervation: Facial nerve
  • Extraocular Muscles
    • Seven extrinsic muscles: Two oblique muscles, Four rectus muscles, One retractor bulbi muscle
    • Insertion: All extrinsic muscles insert on the fibrous coat of the eyeball, sclera, and near the equator of the eyeball. Rectus muscle inserts closer to the corneoscleral junction.
    • Dorsal rectus (elevates the globe), Ventral rectus (depresses the globe), Lateral rectus (turns the globe temporally/laterally), Retractor bulbi (retracts the globe)
    • Lateral rectus and retractor bulbi are innervated with the abducent nerve, Other three recti are innervated with oculomotor nerve
    • Dorsal oblique (inserts globe - rotates 12 oclock position nasally), Ventral oblique (extorts globe - rotates 12 oclock position temporally)
  • Rostral auricular muscles
    • Superficial sculutoauricularis, Deep sculutoauricularis, Frontoscutularis, Frontalis, Zygomaticoauricularis
  • Dorsal auricular muscles
    • Interscutularis, Parietoscutularis, Parietoauricularis
  • Caudal auricular muscles
    • Cervicoscutularis, Superficial cervicoauricularis, Middle cervicoauricularis, Deep cervicoauricularis, Paratodiauricularis, Styloauricularis
  • Styloglossus
    • Origin: Arises from the stylohyoid bone, passes rostroventrally lateral to the palatine tonsil
    • Insertion: Middle of the tongue
    • Action: Retracts and elevates the tongue
    • Innervation: Hypoglossal nerve
  • Genioglossus
    • Origin: Arises from the intermandibular articulation and adjacent surface of the body of the mandible
    • Action: caudal fibers protrude the tongue and rostral fibers retract the apex
    • Innervation: Hypoglossal nerve
  • Hyoglossus
    • Origin: Arises from the thyrohyoid and the basihyoid and passes into the root of the tongue
    • Action: Retracts and depresses the tongue
    • Innervation: Hypoglossal nerve