Botany - Flowers

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  • flower - part of the shoot system specializing in sexual reproduction
  • pedicel - the stalk that holds the flower
  • receptacle - somewhat enlarged tip of the pedicel from which the floral parts arise
  • sepal - one of the several leaf-like structures that make up the outermost circle of the floral parts. usually green in color and protects the flower while it is still a bud
  • calyx - collective term for all sepals
  • petal - one of the colored leaf-like structures that occurs in one/more circles w/in the sepals
  • corolla - collective term for all petals
  • perianth - collective term for the sepals and petals
  • pistil (carpel) - the seed bearing organ of the flower; usually pear-shaped and found at the center of the flower
  • pistil is composed of ovary, style, and stigma
  • collective term for pistil is gynoecium
  • when the carpels are united, the gynoecium is described as synocarpous; when free, the gynoecium is desrcibed as apocarpous
  • ovary - the enlarged basal part of the pistil, it can have 1/more locule (cavities) containing ovules that develop into seed after fertilization
  • ovules - the structure in the ovary that develops into a seed after fertilization
  • style - long and slender neck-like part extending from the ovary, it serves as a passageway for the pollen from the stigma to the ovary
  • stamen - the essential male part of the flower consisting of an anther and a filament.
  • the anther and the filament are collectively called androecium
  • anther - where pollen grains are produced. it is suppored by the slender filament and usuallt consists of 4 pollen sacs
  • filament - the slender stalk that supports the anther
  • pollen grain - microsporangia,
    ovules - megasporangia
  • a flower is a "complete flower" of it has all the 4 essential floral parts; the sepal, petal, stamen and pistil
  • incomplete flower - a flower that lacks one/more of the 4 floral parts
  • perfect flower - a flower w/ both the stamen and the pistil (may lack sepals and petals)
  • perfect flower is also called bisexual flowers
  • imperfect flower - a flower that bears either the stamen/pistil. They flower may be staminate/pistillate.
  • imperfect flower is also called unisexual flower
  • classification of flowers based on the presence/absence of floral parts
    • complete flower
    • incomplete flower
    • perfect
    • imperfect
  • classification of flowers based on the size and shape of floral parts;
    • regular flower
    • irregular
  • types of irregular flowers
    • papilionaceous
    • caesalpinaceous
    • orchidaceous
  • regular flower - a flower in which the corolla is made up of similarly-shaped petals equally spaced and radiating from the center of the flower
  • irregular flower - a flower in which 1/more members of at least one whorl are of a different form/size from others
  • papilionaceous - the standard petal/banner is usually the largest and the most striking. the 2 wings/alae are lateral and a keel is present
  • keel/carinae - 2 innermost and smallest petal in papilionaceous
  • caesalpinaceous - the standard petal is the smallest and innermost. the 2 wings and the 2 keels are almost the same in size and shape
  • in caesalpinaceous, the banner is the innermost and smallest petal
  • orchidaceous - the flower has 3 petals; one is very much different in size and shape and is called the lip/labellum
  • classification of flowers based on symmetry
    • radial
    • bilateral
  • radial symmetry - symmetry in which a flower is divisible on more than 1 axis into 2 equal halves that are mirror images of each other
  • radial symmetry is also known as regular/actinomorphic symmetry
  • bilateral symmetry - symmetry in which a flower is distinctly divisible into right and left sides, divisible into mirror images on only 1 axis