Cards (7)

  • Anemia
    • Defienciency of nuitrients in the red blood cells

    Symtoms of Anemia
    1. Pale skin
    2. Fatigue
    3. Shortness of breath
    4. Muscle weakness
    5. Changes in stool color
    6. Angina
  • Angina Pectoris
    • Extreme pain in the chest caused by deficiency of oxygen in the heart
  • Atherosclerosis
    • Thickining and hardening of arteries caused by build up of cholesterol plaques along with the arteriel walls
  • High blood pressure
    • Blood pressure pushes against the walls of blood vessels (Arteries) is too high which can cause damage to the capillaries and several organs
  • Heart attack
    • Blood clot develops in one of the blood vessels
  • Cardiac arrest
    • Sudden loss of blood flow resulting failure of the heart
  • Difference of Heart attack and Cardiac arrest
    • Heart attack has symptoms
    • Cardiac arrest has no warnings