non physical interaction with people communicating via socia media through internet
internet & social media?
have become key factors in relationships of many people in modern world involving both romantic relationships & friendships
self disclosure in virtual relationships?
theres more disclosure than face to face relationships due to anonymity
more likely to disclose personal info to people who are strangers as they feel less socially embarrassed as info is not likely to be leaked to their social group
may occur earlier than in face to face relationships - may develop more intimacy earlier - do not apply gating mechanisms that apply for face to face relationships
what is self disclosure?
sharing personal info about yourself to another person
what are gating mechanisms?
obstacles that cause failure to form relationships
eg physical attractiveness
absence of gating?
in face to face relationships there is gating - limits ability to form relationships
eg if someone is physically unattractive you stop formation of relationship & do not spend time getting to know person
absence of gating means relationship is more likely to progress & intimacy is built through self disclosure so when these issues are brought up it does not matter as much to relationship
mckenna 2000?
put p in 2 groups
1 group interacted with partner in person for 20 mins on 2 real occasions
other group interacted with partner via internet chat room for 20 mins on 2 occasions before meeting faceto face
found partners were more likely when they met via internet than face to face as it seemed more intimate
shows VR cause more intimaterelationship perhaps due to self disclosure being easier to achieve & more high risk info being disclosed
* practical application?
research has highlighted that VR are good for peple who would normally use gated mechanisms in real world - shy/social anxiety/stutter
can be used as therapy for those people with these difficulties in order to create friendships & romantic rs to build their confidence & social skills that they can use in real world & enable happier life
has helped people in real world form successful romantic rs & through use of self disclosure people can also improve chance of making face to face connections as well as online
so theory is accurate
2 X of virtual relationships?
use of questionnaires
leads to pressure on people
X use of questionnaires?
pro - efficient method of gathering info on VR as many people can complete research at same time & gain large sample size
con - suffer from social desirability - p may lie about having intimate rs online/feel uncomfortable discussing it in questionnaire
although lots of rich & detailed data can be collected from this research may be inaccurate & based on false info regarding formation & maintenace of VR & extent to which they are desirable
X leads to pressure on people?
with increase in use of internet & social media research shows that disclosure is more prominent in these kinds of rs
leads to people feeling pressure to also disclose intimate details on internet especially those vulnerable - young teens - feel pressured to disclos likes/dislikes & may feel uncomfortable especially if being asked something inappropriate & about their emotional/sexual preferences
? credible
has negative effect on people by making them feel uncomfortable & pressured into disclosure
leads them to pursue online rs they may not want to be in