argued that ending of relationship is not one off but a process that takes time & goes through 5 main phases
each phase has threshold
point in which their perception of relationship changes
5 phases of relationship breakdown?
intra psychic
grave dressing
intra psychic phase?
dissatisfaction with current relationshop from 1 partner is expressed
begins to withdraw from other partner & brood on their partners faults & re-evaluatealternatives to relationship
threshold - i cant stand it anymore
dyadic phase?
unhappiness is now out in open
couple have "ourrelationship"discussions & talk through possible changes to solve difficulties
may go to counselling & if its successful relationship may continue
threshold - i would be justified in leaving
social phase?
relationship problems are now aired publicly as couple start to tell their friends & family about difficulties & take possibility of split
friends may offer support/take sides
threshold - i mean it
grave dressing phase?
both parties try to get their side of story/explanation of break up across to people they want to thinkwell of them
each partner creates their ownversion of what went wrong & whos to blame
versions are usually face saving to show they are not totally bad person who is rubbish at relationships
threshold - its now inevitable
eventually it leads to partner finally concluding that " its time to get a new life"
resurrection phase?
this is where individual makes sense of their own value
they make sure to not make samemistakes again
prepare to move on & become emotionally available for potentially another relationship in future
* practical application?
due to this theory it has raised awareness of how romantic rs breakdown so we can use this info in real world in order to prevent this from happening
phase model has highlighted that talking during dyadic phase is important in order to rescue rs & is something thats been used in real world by marriage & relationship counsellors
has halpedprevent rs from breaking down showing that principles of model must be accurate
4 X of ducks phase model?
ignores individual differences
socially sensitive
descriptive not explanatory
X ignores individual differences?
as its a stage theory it suggests all rs will go through these phases when they break up
but some people may not go through phases in exact same order/each other
eg very introveredprivate person may no go through social phase as dont want to share personal life with everyone
extroverted may be incredibly open & wish to share every detail on social media
its too simplistic to say all rs go through samestages in exact sameway so you cannot generalise to all break ups
X retrospective?
it involves looking back at old rs in order to create stages
when doing this people may have forgotten exactly how it happened & overexaggerate when describing elements that led to breakdown of rs especially if they believe they were to blame for breakdown
may be inaccurate & could be based on bias as grave dressing phase may cause individual to give false info so cant be sure that stages actually occur in this way
X socially sensitive?
by asking people to lookback on their rs it may bring back personal,painful memories which could cause people to become upset & relivetraumatic memories
people may not give accurate info as they dont want to give all info
? credible
due to sensitive nature of research studies into these stages may be subject to ethical implications if its distressing for individual to talk about
X descriptive not explanatory?
as model only describes stages we go through in breakup it doesnt epxlain why we go through these stages
or why we dont break up instantly when something goes wrong
doesnt explain why stages occur/present any logical reasoning for their seqeunce
lack of explanation means we cannot fully understand process of breakdown of romantic rs suggesting its too simplistic as a theory & may be better explanations