
Cards (6)

  • Give one contrasting characteristic between active and passive immunity?
    Active immunity requires exposure to antigen, passive immunity does not
  • Give one contrasting characteristic between active and passive immunity?
    • active immunity takes a while for protection to develop
    • passive immunity- protection is immediate
  • Give one contrasting characteristic between active and passive immunity?
    Active- memory cells are produced
    Passive -memory cells not produced
  • Give one contrasting characteristic between active and passive immunity?
    • Active: Protection is LONG-TERM
    • Passive- protection is SHORT-TERM
  • Why is protection long-term from active immunity?
    because the antibody is produced (after activation of memory cells) in response to complementary antigen being present in the boy
  • Why is protection short-term from passive immunity?
    because the antibodies given are broken down